Section emergency coordinator

In the American Radio Relay League and the Radio Amateurs of Canada, the Section Emergency Coordinator is the assistant to the section manager for amateur radio emergency communications preparedness. The SEC is appointed by the Section Manager to take care of all matters pertaining to amateur radio emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) on a sectionwide basis. The SEC post is one of top importance in the section and the individual appointed to it should devote all possible energy and effort to it. There is only one SEC appointed in each section of the American Radio Relay League Field Organization.

SEC qualifications

1. Encourage all groups of community amateurs to establish a local emergency organization.

2. Advise the SM on all section emergency policy and planning, including the development of a section emergency communications plan.

3. Cooperate and coordinate with the section traffic manager so that emergency nets and traffic nets in the section present a united public service front, particularly in the proper routing of Welfare traffic in emergency situations. Cooperation and coordination should also be maintained with other section leadership officials as appropriate, particularly with the state government liaison and public information coordinator.

4. Recommend candidates for emergency coordinator and district emergency coordinator appointments (and cancellations) to the section manager and determine areas of jurisdiction of each amateur so appointed. At the SM's discretion, the SEC may be directly in charge of making (and canceling) such appointments. In the same way, the SEC can handle the official emergency station appointments.

5. Promote ARES membership drives, meetings, activities, tests, procedures, etc., at the section level.

6. Collect and consolidate emergency coordinator (or district emergency coordinator) monthly reports and submit monthly progress summaries to the SM and ARRL headquarters. This includes the timely reporting of emergency and public safety communications rendered in the section for inclusion in QST.

7. Maintain contact with other communication services and serve as liaison at the section level with all agencies served in the public interest, particularly in connection with state and local government, civil preparedness, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Red Cross, Salvation Army, the National Weather Service, and so on. Such contact is maintained in cooperation with the State Government Liaison.